On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Nils Bunger <nilsbun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, it's email.mime.MIMEApplication. I've pasted a snippet with the imports 
> below.
> I'm trying to use this to build a multi-part MIME message, with this as one 
> part.
> I really can't figure out any way to attach a binary part like this to a 
> multi-part MIME message without the encoding issue... any help would be 
> greatly appreciate!

I partly responded just to ping your thread, as I'm not particularly
familiar with the email.mime module. But a glance at the docs suggests
that MIMEApplication is a "subclass of MIMENonMultipart", so might it
be a problem to use that for multipart??

It's designed to handle text, so you may want to use an encoder (like
the default base64 one) rather than trying to push binary data through

Random ideas, hopefully someone who actually knows the module can respond.


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