Chris Friesen <> writes:

> I'm running into issues where my current IDE (I'm playing with Komodo)
> can't seem to locate the definition, I suspect because it's too
> ambiguous.

The feature you're looking for – to start from the statement where a
function is called, then jump to the statement where that function is
defined – is implemented via “tags” across many languages and tools.

One very popular implementation is “Exuberant Ctags”. You can choose
from the tools <URL:> that
support that system, and continue using the same system when you switch
to a different language or a different tool.

> So rather than give up, I'd like to have my IDE suggest all possible
> answers.

Good luck to you in learning a development environment that is *not*
tied to the particular programming language you're writing.

 \          “… a Microsoft Certified System Engineer is to information |
  `\     technology as a McDonalds Certified Food Specialist is to the |
_o__)                               culinary arts.” —Michael Bacarella |
Ben Finney


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