On 28.09.2013 08:26, Daniel Stojanov wrote:
Can somebody explain this. The line number reported by shlex depends
on the previous token. I want to be able to tell if I have just popped
the last token on a line.


second = shlex.shlex("word1 word2,\nword3")

Punctuation characters like the comma are not considered as word characters by default and thus are seen as different tokens (consisting of only a single character):

>>> lexer = shlex.shlex("foo, bar, ...")
>>> token = lexer.get_token()
>>> while token != lexer.eof:
...   print token
...   token = lexer.get_token()

If you want to treat them as "word" characters you need to add them to the string "wordchars" (a public attribute of the "shlex" instance):

>>> lexer = shlex.shlex("foo.bar, baz")
>>> lexer.wordchar += '.,'
>>> print lexer.get_token()
>>> print lexer.get_token()

There is also a "debug" attribute (with three different levels: 1, 2, 3; default value 0 means no debug output):

>>> lexer = shlex.shlex("foo, bar, ...")
>>> lexer.debug = 1
>>> print lexer.get_token()
shlex: token='foo'
>>> print lexer.get_token()
shlex: popping token ','

Bye, Andreas

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