On 28/9/2013 10:55, FiveHydroxy Tryptamine wrote:

> Hiya
> A word of warning, I am a complete beginner.
> My problem goes like this:: I've been trying to "import neurolab as nl"(a 
> neural network library)and I keep getting the "No module named.." error in my 
> Python 2.7.3 shell. There is definitely something wrong with my Python path, 
> although everything looks fine (to me). I also appended the sys.path with 
> "C:/Python27/neurolab-0.2.3/neurolab" and I still get that error. What am I 
> missing?
> Thanks.

Welcome to the forum, and to Python.

First point:  when you have a problem, especially an import problem, in
some (unnamed) shell, make sure the same symptoms happen at a command
line or the Python interpreter, whichever is appropriate. If the
problem only occurs in the shell, it's a shell problem, or probably a
configuration one.

Second point:  Include the source file you use, hopefully stripped to
the essential minimum.

Third point: include a transcript of all, or the significant portions of
the session (using cut and paste, not paraphrasing). The error
(exception) message is a minimum of 3 lines long,  You show part of the
last line.  The full error message starts with "Traceback" and ends with
some textual summary error message.

Fourth:  indicate how you may have customized your system.  At a
minimum, you must think you installed the neurolab module.  Whatever
that is, whereever you found it.  You should supply the link.

But perhaps you downloaded it and copied it, without actually running
any install program. The directory you specify is NOT the conventional
place for foreign modules.

For example:

davea@think2:~/temppython$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2013, 06:20:15) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import unknown
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named unknown



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