Op 29-09-13 09:35, Νίκος schreef:
Στις 29/9/2013 2:04 πμ, ο/η Chris Angelico έγραψε:
On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 4:45 AM, Mark Lawrence
<breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Not tortured, simply murdered so we don't have to put up with his
unacceptable behaviour, which sadly is thriving owing to so many people
ignoring the "do not feed this moron" signs.

You miss one important factor in these discussions: the silent
majority of readers. We have a few people here who are not "worth"
responding to, as they're highly unlikely to listen (the most
noteworthy other example being jmf on Unicode), but that doesn't mean
the threads can't be useful to someone else. And sometimes there can
be some extremely entertaining conversation, too.

That's also why I don't plonk anyone :)

Its not that i don't listen, its that i want something to be implemented
in a specific way.

Why? What is so important about this particular way, that you are
willing to spend/waste so much time on it? You act like someone
who want to get from Brussels to London and when asked how to
do that gets advise on how to take the boat or plane at which
point you react that you want to get to Londen without boat
or plane but just by bicycle. And in further exchange make it
clear that using a bike is more important than arriving in London.

So please why do you make it your priority to implement it in a
specific way, over it working correctly?

Antoon Pardon


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