Στις 29/9/2013 2:11 μμ, ο/η Dave Angel έγραψε:
On 29/9/2013 06:24, Νίκος wrote:


except Exception as e: ===> except socket.gaierror as e:
which cannot handle unicore realted errors and the exact same error
appeared with my ip address involved at the error log.

so, the question that arises again and reamins is how come 'host' vars
gets a values most of the times and sometimes it just outputs back
unicode related erros.

I must tell you that i had this problem also months ago, but since i
couldnt able to solve it i left it as it was, but it just started to
make things more and more hectic.

it would be interesting to see a more complete stack trace.  But I'd
guess that in the process of looking up the ip address at the dns
servers, somebody is producing a non-ascii byte string that isn't
encoded in utf-8.  It might conceivably be in your /etc/hosts file as
well, assuming gethostbyname() looks there when the internet query

Thank you for being willing to look this further.

root@secure [~]# cat /etc/hosts               localhost.localdomain localhost            secure.superhost.gr secure
root@secure [~]#

Just tell me what else file contents or error_log output you want me to show you from my server and i will.

Here is my domain's DNS Zone Entry in case it will helpo with something:

let me show you how superhost.gr entry appears via WHM in the Zoen section.

; cPanel first: (update_time):1380448502 Cpanel::ZoneFile::VERSION:1.3 hostname:secure.superhost.gr latest:
; Zone file for superhost.gr
$TTL 14400
superhost.gr.   86400   IN      SOA     ns1.superhost.gr.       
nikos.gr33k.gmail.com.  (
                                                2013092903 ;Serial Number
                                                86400 ;refresh
                                                7200 ;retry
                                                3600000 ;expire
                                                86400   )

superhost.gr.   86400   IN      NS      ns1.superhost.gr.
superhost.gr.   86400   IN      NS      ns2.superhost.gr.

superhost.gr.   14400   IN      A

localhost       14400   IN      A

superhost.gr.   14400   IN      MX      0       superhost.gr.

mail    14400   IN      CNAME   superhost.gr.
www     14400   IN      CNAME   superhost.gr.
ftp     14400   IN      CNAME   superhost.gr.

As for the mail iam afrid it outputs this:
Warning MX CNAME Check WARNING: CNAME was returned for the following MX records:
The CNAME(s) that were returned are listed above. This is not ok per the RFCs and can cause problems including mail being lost! Error MX A request returns CNAME WARNING: MX records points to a CNAME. CNAMEs are not allowed in MX records, according to RFC974, RFC1034 3.6.2, RFC1912 2.4, and RFC2181 10.3. The problem MX record(s) are:
mail.superhost.gr points to ['superhost.gr']
This can cause problems
Do i need to chnage the mx record in cloudflare so mx records point to somethign else being ???????

Also my webpage works as

www.superhost.gr   but not as     superhost.gr

I have removed my webiste from cloulflare to make thigns simpler and now in order to viw mywebiste i must give

if i give plain http://superhost.gr it doesnt load at all.

The only way is http://www.superhost.gr but no link on my webpage works when clicked upon.

iam getting this: http://superhost.gr/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi

Clearly these are DNS and Mail issues.

i have asked PaulVPS which is my provider and they dont f***** care to help resolve those issues, and i have paid them upo until May 2014.

I just dotn want to lsoe other customers :(


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