On Monday, September 30, 2013 5:14:28 AM UTC-5, AdamKal wrote:
> Hi, 
> Do you know any library or framework that unifies CRUD somehow. 
> Maybe I'll describe my problem:
> I have a application that uses many external services and processes them 
> together. This are things like web services and DB and so on. In the REST era 
> we usually operate on object and collections of objects (like in django's 
> ORM) but have different source behind them. My idea was that there might be 
> somewhere a unified abstraction layer that would require from programmers to 
> write the CRUD methods and handle object creation and management (maybe even 
> relations?) by itself. 
> I've started to work on my own library for that but I wouldn't like to do 
> something that someone has done already. 
> Do you know any such library/framework?
> Do you think that it makes any sense at all?

Does http://python-eve.org/ look anything like what you mean? Or perhaps 
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/ ?


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