Am 02.10.2013 13:47, schrieb Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick:
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 1:48 AM, Tim Delaney
<> wrote:
On 2 October 2013 09:28, Νίκος <> wrote:

con = pymysql.connect( db = 'mypass', user = 'myuser', passwd =
'mysqlpass', charset = 'utf8', host = 'localhost' )

That was viewable by the link Mark have posted.

But this wasnt my personal's account's login password, that was just the
mysql password.

Mysql pass != account's password

Because there's no chance with the brilliance you display that there could
be any possibility of login details being kept in plaintext in your

Or the statement is a blatant lie and was meant to be

    mysql_password is not account_password

as they have the same value, but are set independently.  (too much
Python Ale…)

Who cares... mysql> \! bash... job done.


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