On 10/10/2013 00:48, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> So, for the benefit of anyone, not just Nikos, who wants to learn about 
> how browsers connect to web sites and how to run a web server, does 
> anyone have any recommendation for tutorials, mailing lists, web forums 
> or books which are suitable? Preferably things you have used yourself, 
> and can personally vouch for being useful.

Not that it's a free resource, but I found this O'Reilly pocket guide
useful as a starter. It's not too expensive either.


I bought it for my Dad who's a retired civil engineer now happily
engaged in setting up small websites for Parish groups and the like.
Exactly the kind of thing where he can experiment with a bit of
wackiness without people minding too much if things go wrong... (And he
does have a test rig at home).

As clearly evidenced by the wide range of reactions one sees in answer
to "What's the best book...?" questions here, different people have
wildly different learning styles. For some, going to the RFCs is
*exactly* what they find interesting & illuminating. For others, a
step-by-step with screenshots is more the thing, etc.


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