Stephen Tucker <> writes:

> I am using IDLE, Python 2.7.2 on Windows 7, 64-bit.

Python 2 is not as good at Unicode as Python 3. In fact, one of the
major reasons to switch to Python 3 is that it fixes Unicode behaviour
that was worse in Python 2.

> I have four questions:
> 1. Why is it that
>      print (unicode_object, another_unicode_object)
> displays non-ASCII characters in the unicode objects as escape sequences
> (as repr() does)?

Python 3 behaves correctly for that::

    >>> foo = "I ♡ Unicode"
    >>> bar = "I ♥ Unicode"
    >>> (type(foo), type(bar))
    (<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>)
    >>> print(foo)
    I ♡ Unicode
    >>> print(bar)
    I ♥ Unicode
    >>> print((foo, bar))
    ('I ♡ Unicode', 'I ♥ Unicode')

> 2. Given that this is actually *deliberately *the case (which I, at
> the moment, am finding difficult to accept)

I'm pretty sure it is not, since this is corrected in Python 3.

> what is the neatest (that is, the most Pythonic) way to get non-ASCII
> characters in unicode objects in tuples displayed correctly?

Switch to Python 3 :-)

 \       “Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea |
  `\                                    of liberty.” —Thomas Jefferson |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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