On Tue, 5 Jul 2005, Mike Meyer wrote:

>>> Well, his Viaweb company was founded in about '95, right? So he 
>>> probably just used Lisp because Python wasn't as well known yet. ;-)
>> That is what I thought too.  It makes sense but I wasn't sure.  Still 
>> ain't. The problem is that questions like 'What lang is fastest to 
>> develop in?' are hard to answer definitively.
> True. You might start by asking which lets you write the fewest LOC, as 
> studies during the 70s showed that programmers tended to write the same 
> number of LOC/day, regardless of the language chosen.
> The problem with the LOC measurement is that the most productive days 
> are the ones where you refactor and eliminate a thousand LOC. That sort 
> of throws the whole thing off.

As in:


Perhaps the real question, then, is which language allows you to delete 
lines of code most quickly.


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