On 12/10/2013 15:12, Ronald Routt wrote:
        I am new to programming and trying to figure out python.

I am trying to learn which tools and tutorials I need to use along with some 
good beginner tutorials in scraping the the web.  The end result I am trying to 
come up with is scraping auto dealership sites for the following:

1.Name of dealership
2.  State where dealership is located
3.  Name of Owner, President or General Manager
4.  Email address of number 3 above
5.  Phone number of dealership

Note:  Many times the Owner, President or General Manager and their email address is under a tab on 
the website such as "Meet our team" or "Support".  Sometimes this information 
is not available on the website.

I sure would appreciate any help I can get to get me on the right track.  From 
what I have read so far, believe I have to use urllib but know nothing about 
how to us it..


Take a look at this http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Most poems rhyme,
But this one doesn't.

Mark Lawrence


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