Tom Anderson wrote:

>> del -> delete
> How about just getting rid of del? Removal from collections could be 
> done with a method call, and i'm not convinced that deleting variables 
> is something we really need to be able to do (most other languages 
> manage without it).

Since this is a Python 3k item...  What would be the consequence of 
making None the default value of an undefined name?  And then assigning 
a name to None as a way to delete it?

Some benefits

*No more NamesError exceptions!

     print value
     >> None

     value = 25
     print value
     >> 25

     value = None    #same as 'del value'

*No initialization needed for a while loop!

     While not something:
         if <condition>:
             something = True

*Test if name exists without using a try-except!

     if something == None:
         something = value

*And of course one less keyword!

Any drawbacks?


PS...  not much sleep last night, so this may not be well thought out.


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