I sovled with :
        for key, val in
            setattr(self,"%s" % val,val)
            instance = getattr(self,"%s" % val)
            print "%s %s " % (key,val)
QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("stateChanged (int)")), lambda:
In above loop i have probelm : instead of call connect function
according to number of my for, my connect function initilize and call
according to last (key, val),

Do you have any idea?

On Thu, 2013-10-17 at 11:50 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
> Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh <moh...@pahlevanzadeh.org> writes:
> > You say right, but i don't any time to read all of content of
> > http://sscce.org/ , But when i saw its description , i found out ,
> > it's a set of law for good answer/question
> That's right. Please take the time to help us to help you, by following
> that advice.
> > Also i saw PEP 8 , it's like old style C, and i like CamelCase.
> TitleCaseNames are fine (PEP 8 recommends TitleCaseNames for classes),
> camelCase is inconsistent and hence deprecated.
> Regardless of what you like, if you're presenting code for others to
> read – such as in a discussion forum where you'd like others to read
> your code and help you – you are well advised to follow PEP 8 so your
> code is easier for us to read.
> > But now, all of my code doesn't work and related to the given
> > traceback of i sent you.
> I'll wait for your short, self-contained, complete example.
> -- 
>  \         “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” |
>   `\                             —Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943 |
> _o__)                                                                  |
> Ben Finney


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