On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 19:24:58 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

> Anyway, what I sought to prove was that polymorphic object oriented code
> can be written in C or any other language.

The proof of this is that any Turing-complete language can simulate any 
other language. Obviously the *difficulty* can vary, but any sufficiently 
expressive language can be used to write an interpreter for some other 
language which gives you the results you want.

I'm not just talking hypothetically here. Python is polymorphic, and 
there are at least two Python implementations written in C (CPython and 
Stackless). So if you took all the C code which implements object-
oriented behaviour within CPython, added it to your C project, and then 
used it directly as a framework, you would have polymorphic code written 
using nothing but C.

Of course, this wouldn't be idiomatic C code, and you won't have syntax 
for what you want, but that's why other languages get invented in the 
first place.


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