In article <>,
<""> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am new to python, just was looking for logic to understand to write code in
> the below scenario.
> I am having a file (filea) with multiple columns, and another file(fileb)
> with again multiple columns, but say i want to use column2 of fileb as a
> search expression to search for similar value in column3 of filea. and print
> it with value of rows of filea.
> filea:
> a 1 ab
> b 2 bc
> d 3 de
> e 4 ef
> .
> .
> .
> fileb
> z ab 24
> y bc 85
> x ef 123
> w de 33 
> Regards../ omps

Interestingly, somebody named "Om Prakash Singh" asked the identical
question on the perl beginners list, except with the word "perl"
substituted for "python". Is this a homework problem? Are you unsure
about which language to use? Are you comparison shopping?

Jim Gibson

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