Are you suggesting Advertising is the Best language there is....?
# After many years, I agree not, but what to may...
    def If I do Something do, you not react():
         # The most arguable language is arguably the most important to discuss.
         # Everyone is of the same basic mindset here.
         # 16 years of reading everyone elses words hasn't changed my view.
         # I make it real, and sometime I don't like it either.
         # Actions speak loader than comments.
         language = python

         benefits = failures
         failures = newTerminology
         newTerminology = newIdeas
         newIdeas = benefits

         Sometimes when the whole world doesn't complain about your 
newTerminology, they are trying to say let it live, but more often they say 
"leave it alone". And Vise Versa.

         But more often they complain about the readability.
         Or the Indenation.
         Or the style of a personal poem.
         Or how the next person should learn it best.
I read a indented book first, then I read a un indented book. Sir.
  go figure....

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