On 22/10/2013 18:50, Mark Janssen wrote:
So which of you is confused?  I ask that in the inclusive (not
exclusive OR) sense.... ;^)  <-- face says "both".

Could you please be less snarky?  We're trying to communicate here, and it
is not at all clear yet who is confused and who is not.  If you are
interested in discussing technical topics, then discuss them.

Okay.  The purpose of BNF (at least as I envision it) is to
produce/specify a *context-free* "grammar".  A lexer parses the tokens
specified in the BNF into an Abstract Syntax Tree.  If one can produce
such a tree for any given source, the language, in theory, can be
compiled by GCC into an executable.


But you still need to specify the semantics.


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