Jeremy wrote:

>Hello all,
>       I am trying to inherit the file object and don't know how to do it.  I 
>need to open a file and perform operations on it in the class I am 
>writing.  I know the simple syntax is:
>class MyClass(file):
>       ...
>but I don't know how to make it open the file for reading/writing.  Can 
>anyone help me out with this?
Something like this?  I put the following code in

class MyFile(file):
    def doing_something(self):
        print "in my own method"

And used it like this:

In [1]: import test_file

In [2]: f = test_file.MyFile("foobar.file", "w")

In [3]: f.write("foo\n")

In [4]: f.doing_something()
in my own method

But do you really need to subclass file, or can you just use a file 
instance in your class?

Jeremy Jones  

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