On 28 October 2013 00:35, Marc <m...@marcd.org> wrote:
>>What was wrong with the answer Peter Otten gave you earlier today on the
>>tutor mailing list?
>>Python is the second best programming language in the world.
>>But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer
>>Mark Lawrence
> I did not receive any answers from the Tutor list, so I thought I'd ask
> here.  If an answer was posted to the Tutor list, it never made it to my
> inbox.  Thanks to all that responded.

Hi Marc, did you actually subscribe to the tutor list or did you just
send an email there? Peter replied to you and you can see the reply

He only sent the reply back to the tutor list and didn't email it
directly to you because it is assumed that you would also be
subscribed to the list.


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