Instead of listing the difference ..here are some things that are
COMMON to both common lisp and python :

1.Dynamic typing.
2.garbage collection
3.powerful data structures
4.good object systems. (here people from lisp usually claim that clos
is the most powerful object system...but i think python and lisp are
comparable with none of them being better than the other. they are
different than each other. and i consider clos without mop to be
inferior. mop stands for meta object protocol...a thing which hasnt
been specified in the ansi lisp standard but is provided by most
5.functions and types as first class objects
6.interactive development.

The differences:

1.Macros : Macros are extremely powerful and a double edges sword. Dont
believe anyone (whether they praise them or abhor them). Go and learn
them and decide for yourself.

2.Readability : Python is generally believed to be far more readable
than ANY other language. (Lisp isnt particularly unreadable).

The only way to really find out which is better is to learn both and
decide yourself.

i personally like python , lisp and c. now c evokes derision from both
python and lisp folks sometimes and thats incorrect too.

> I've been reading the beloved Paul Graham's "Hackers and Painters".
> He claims he developed a web app at light speed using Lisp and lots
> of macros.
> It got me curious if Lisp
> is inherently faster to develop complex apps in.  It would seem if you
> could create your own language in Lisp using macros that that would be
> quite an advantage....
> I realize that Python has operator overloading and OOP so I'm not sure.
> Any ideas?  Any *evidence* one way or another?
> thanks!
> Chris


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