On 2005-07-07, George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I guess he means why not define foo as property:
> class demo(object):
>     foo = property(fget = lambda self: self.v,
>                    fset = lambda self,v: setattr(self,'v',v))
> d = demo()
> d.foo = 3
> print d.foo

In some ways that's even cleaner.

In my simplivied example all the foo() method was doing was
setting/returning an attribute, but usually there's a bit more
going on (e.g. system calls with possible side effects).  

To me it's a bit more explicit that


are doing something other than just getting/setting the value
of an instance attribute.  If all I really wanted to do was
get/set the instance's "v" attribute, I probably would have
just done it like this

  d.v = 3
  print d.v  

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  .. I wonder if I
                                  at               ought to tell them about my
                               visi.com            PREVIOUS LIFE as a COMPLETE

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