Στις 2/11/2013 8:25 μμ, ο/η Nick the Gr33k έγραψε:
for row in newdata:
(host, refs, city, useros, browser, visits, hits, downloads) = row

     if downloads != 'Δεν έχει κατεβάσει ταινία':
         print( '<td><select>' )
         for n, download in enumerate( downloads ):
             if n == 0:
                 op_selected = 'selected'
                 op_selected = ''
             print( '<option %s> %s </option>' % (op_selected, download) )
         print( '</select></td>' )
         print( '<td><center><b><font color=white> 'No downloads yet'
</td>' )

The above code is supposed to print a select menu in case it has found
tha user has downloaded files from my website and if he didn't to just
print a string 'No downloads yet'.

Unfortunately as i have it, it prints 'No downloads yet' inside a select
menu giving the impression that the 'No downloads yet' was actually a file.

how should i write it to have the result i want it to be?

if downloads != 'Δεν έχει κατεβάσει ακόμη ταινία!':
        print( '<td><select>' )
        for n, download in enumerate( downloads ):
                if n == 0:
                        op_selected = 'selected'
                        op_selected = ''
                print( '<option %s> %s </option>' % (op_selected, download) )
        print( '</select></td>' )
        times = times + 1

if times == 0:
print( '<td><center><b><font color=white> Δεν έχει κατεβάσει ακόμη ταινία! </td>' )

I just tried this this didn't work either :(
Please someone t

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