Στις 5/11/2013 8:02 μμ, ο/η Denis McMahon έγραψε:
On Tue, 05 Nov 2013 19:06:25 +0200, Nick the Gr33k wrote:


Try starting with something simple. The following is a step by step guide
to working out how you need to do this. Follow all the steps. Do not skip
any steps. Each stage builds on the previous code.

Write python code to create a list of strings and print out the elements
of the list. This just needs to generate a list of n entries of m
characters in length of random character data.

Write python code to concatenate a list of strings into some longer
string using a separator and print out the long string.

Now add some python code to split the long string into a list based on
the separator, and print out the list elements.

Once you have this code working, make a test table with a single string
column and an integer index field in a test database.

Now this is starting to push the boundaries of your abilities, but write
code to create two lists, and store them with indexes 1 and 2

Now, and this is really really going to tax you, write some more code
that will first retrieve the string for index 1, convert it back into a
list, and display the list contents, then do the same for list 2, then
retrieve all the data from the db and reproduce each list in turn.

Then you might be ready to try coding what you're trying to code.

Denis, i have already provided my code trying to do what i need and i need some commendation on how to make it work.

O even better an rdbms than allows complex data such as tuples, lists, dicts to be saved into the db as they are so i dont have to cobvet back and forth each time.

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