Employee Salaries
        You are working for a medium sized construction company as an intern in 
the Information Technology department.  A director in the Human Resources 
department recently asked the IT department to write a small program that will 
help them do a salary comparison.  The program needs to be able to enter the 
name of the employee and their salary.  Once the data is loaded the program 
needs to find the average salary, the highest salary and the lowest salary.  
The program needs to print out these values along with the names of the 
employees that go along with the salary.
        Your boss, who has great trust in you and your programming abilities, 
has given this project to you.  You, therefore, schedule a meeting with the HR 
director asking for the program to clarify the program’s requirements.  After 
your meeting you have summarized the following:
        The program needs to ask for how many employees and salaries the 
program will be working with.  The program needs to do some data validation on 
this number to make sure it is a positive number.
        The program needs to ask for the name of each employee along with their 
salary.  Since the name of the employee will be a string and the salary will be 
a number, you decide to use two parallel arrays to store the data.  The program 
will need to do some data validation on the salary to make sure it is a number 
and greater than 0 and less than $200,000.
        The program will determine what the average salary is and print that 
out to the user.
        The program will determine what salary is the lowest and print that out 
along with the name of the employee who has that salary figure.
        The program will determine what salary is the highest and print that 
out along with the name of the employee who has that salary figure.
Use the following test data to test your program.
Employee Name   Salary                  
John    $45,600         Average Salary: $63, 862.50
Sue     $55,400         Highest Salary: $89,750
David   $64,700         Lowest Salary:  $45,600
Betty   $89,750                 


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