Στις 8/11/2013 4:02 μμ, ο/η Mark Lawrence έγραψε:
On 08/11/2013 10:09, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Mark Lawrence
<breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
On 08/11/2013 09:52, Chris Angelico wrote:
Mar-Kal El-awrence! Able to leap tall bridges in a single bound, more
powerful than a steaming (and fuming) Greek webmaster, the Man of

Thank you for shouting out the name of the village that's at *THE*
center of
*THE* universe :)

I've no idea where that village is - or even that it's a village - all
I did was take your superhero name from your email address. :)


Poor old Nikos wouldn't even qualify as Bicycle Repair Man.  In fact I
doubt that he can ride a bike, or even a trike for that matter :)

If one of us were to feel sorry about himself, that would be you because of suffering of Autism disorder.

You have demonstrated significant difficulties in social interaction and behavior.

Seek help ASAP!

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