On 09/11/2013 13:08, John von Horn wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I'm Mr. Noobie here, I've just started easing into Python (2.7.4) and am
enjoying working along to some youtube tutorials. I've done a little
programming in the past.

If it's possible I'd strongly recommend Python 3.3, there's lots of goodies in there like vastly improved unicode handling.

I've just got a few thoughts I'd like to share and ask about:

* Why not allow floater=float(int1/int2) - rather than floater=float

Surely this depends on the outcome that you actually want or am I missing the obvious? Also note that integer division has been changed in Python 3.

Give me a float (or an error message) from evaluating everything in the
brackets. Don't make me explicitly convert everything myself (unless I
want to)

You usually have to in Python, it's down to strong typing.

* No sign of a select .. case statement

Loads of recipes online for this, ranging from specialised classes to my favourite which is spelt "dict".

Another useful tool in the programmer's toolbox

Select DayofWeek

        case "mon"


end select

* Call me pedantic by why do we need a trailing comma for a list of one
item? Keep it intuitive and allow lstShopping=[] or ["Bread"] or
["Bread", "Milk","Hot Chocolate"] I don't like ["Bread",]. It bugs me.

It should as it's not needed. I'd guess you're confusing a tuple of one item with a list of one item?

Just some initial thoughts. I just wanted to know the reasoning behind
the above, be shown the shortcomings of my ignorance, pointed in the
right direction. Let the High Priests of Python come forth and speak wise
words and show me the ignorance of thy ways. Let my cup be filled to
overflowing with your kind knowledge and wisdom.

Try "import this" from the Python interactive prompt for the Zen of Python.

Is everyone happy with the way things are?

Yes thank you.

Could anyone recommend a good,
high level language for CGI work?

I can't comment as to whether or not Python is suitable for CGI work, I'll leave that to the experts.

Not sure if I'm going to be happy with
Perl (ahhh, get him, he's mentioned Perl and is a heretic!) or Python. I
would very much value any constructive criticism or insights.

Fair enough, Python isn't for everybody. I love it simply because it suits my mind set, hence I have www.python.org bookmarked as "Home Sweet Home". I therefore believe it's safe to say that others hate it as it doesn't suit their mind sets.

And a "thank you", ["sirs","madams"] but pls, not just ["sirs",]

Reread what I wrote above :)


And check out my signature!!!

Python is the second best programming language in the world.
But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

Mark Lawrence


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