On 11/11/2013 16:38, jonas.thornv...@gmail.com wrote:
> I have installed Python 3.3, and i want to add a library with some
> basic functions like canvas and basic geomteric objects, fonts etc.
> Preferably something similar to the Javascript canvas.
> I've looked for graphic packages, and from what i can see something
> called Tkinter may be what i look for.
> However i have no luck install it, i installed something called
> Visual studio in hope it would incorporate Tkinter, but it did not
> and it also do not seem to work with 3.3 only 3.1 and below.
> Next i found ActiveStateTCL that from what i could see incorporated
> Tkinter library?
> But i have no luck runn the Tkinter example file i downloaded in
> idel, it still says no module called Tkinter.
> === Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Python33\test2.py",
> line 16, in <module> from Tkinter import Tk, Canvas, Frame, BOTH 
> ImportError: No module named 'Tkinter' ===
> Maybe i should use some other module, i just need a canvas and the
> basic geometric objects functions line,rectangle,circle and some
> font.

I'll let others comment on the use of Tk. But...

The Tkinter module has been reorganised under Python 3.x:


You're presumably working from a Python 2.x example


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