On Mon, 11 Nov 2013 14:51:45 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:

> 2. Never, ever, *EVER* write data to disc before confirming the paths
> your passing are pointing to the location you intended to write the
> data. Use os.path.exists(path) to test your paths BEFORE trying to write
> data.

This is subject to a race condition, which opens you to a security 
vulnerability: "time of check to time of use" bugs.

If you follow Rick's advice, and write code like this:

if os.path.exists(path):
    write_to(path)  # custom function to open and write to the file

your code is doubly buggy. First, os.path.exists only tells you if the 
path exists, not whether it is writable. Perhaps it is on read-only 
media, or you don't have permission to open it, or it's a directory.

Secondly, even if the file exists at the moment you call os.path.exists, 
there is no guarantee that it will still exist a moment later when you 
try writing to it. Another process may delete or rename the file, or 
change permissions in the meantime. So you have to write:

if os.path.exists(path):
    except (IOError, OSError):

But now your test doesn't actually accomplish anything. Worse, just 
because the path *doesn't* exist when you check using exists, that 
doesn't mean it won't exist by the time you call write_to!

Using os.path.exists before opening a file is, for the most part, a waste 
of time.


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