On Saturday, November 9, 2013 2:29:00 AM UTC-5, dieter wrote:
> rich writes:
> Dieter, you were right!!! I broke up the string by inserting CRLF before I 
> reached 72 chars / line. Problem solved!
> > I have the following script that reads in an HTML file containing a table 
> > then sends it out via email with a content type of text/html.
> >
> > For some reason a few erroneous whitespaces get introduced to the HTML 
> > source and a few < > chars get converted to &lt; and &gt; ???
> > ...
> > Contents of results.html
> >
> > <html><head><title>Test Campaign Results</title></head><body><p>SoapUI 
> > regression testing has completed against the following: <br/><br/> 
> > Environment: Auto.QA<br/>Build: test<br/>Detailed results can be found 
> > here: 
> > http://xxxx-AUTO1.xxxx.xxx/SoapUITestResults/Auto.QA-2013-6-11_22-54-50<br/><br/></p><table
> >  border="1"><tr><th>SoapUI Project 
> > (WSDL/WADL)</th><th>Total</th><th>Pass</th><th>Failure</th><th>Pass 
> > Percentage</th></tr><tr><td>acceptancePartnerEndpointWSDefinition-soapui-project.xml</td><td>7</td><td><font
> >  color="green">7</font></td><td><font 
> > color="red">0</font></td><td>100.00%</td></tr><tr><td>AIM-Automation.xml</td><td>25</td><td><font
> >  color="green">23</font></td><td><font 
> > color="red">2</font></td><td>92.00%</td></tr><tr><td>ATM-Automation.xml</td><td>41</td><td><font
> >  color="green
> > ...
> I suggest to log the generated email (before sending) to verify whether
> the transformation happens in your script or somewhere during the
> email transport.
> The email transport protocol ("SMTP" - "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol")
> in principle imposes quite a strict limitation on line length
> (72 characters, when I remember right). Your html input has much larger
> lines - maybe, they are broken up somewhere - at the cost of spurious
> whitespace. Usually, a "Content-Transfer-Encoding" is used
> to satisfy the line length limitation. If this is quoted printable,
> then reading the text undecoded, it may seem to have additional
> characters (whitespace and control characters).
> I have no idea what may replace "<" and ">" by html entity references.

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