El 12/11/13 01:46, Rick Johnson escribió:
No, Python modules can be poked, prodded, and violated by any pervert who can spell the word "import". Attribute values can be reassigned and state can be externally manipulated resulting in all types of undefined behaviors --

My code, my responsibility, my business.... not yours.

that does not sound like an interface to me. So if python modules are importable everywhere, and mutable from everywhere, then python modules are merely addresses to a collection of global variables? And they're only interfaces "superficially"? So that leaves us with Python's current implementation of unofficial "global" variables implemented as "puesdo- interfaces" by module objects that are victims waiting to be violated. Interesting. IF IT WALKS LIKE A GLOBAL DUCK AND...

Nice choice of words, "violated", "victims".... Really conductive to a
balanced unprejudiced thought process.


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