On 2005-07-07, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>Maybe you should consider and explain what you mean by
>>>"multiple interpreters"?
>> That in a multi-theraded Python program, the code that
>> impliments the Python VM is executing "simultaneously" in
>> multiple contexts: one for each thread (and possibly one
>> master thread).
> Okay, this description seems correct.  Multiple threads,
> multiple stacks, therefore multiple contexts and yes, by this
> definition, multiple interpreters.
> No "master thread" however.  Just all the threads that are
> visible in "threading.enumerate()", which includes the main
> thread (that the code runs in at startup) and any new ones
> spawned afterwards.

Oh.  I assumed that CPython used Posix threads on Posix
platforms.  At least in my experience under Linux, libpthread
always creates an extra "manager" thread.  Though in our case
that thread probably wouldn't be running a Python interpreter.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Uh-oh!! I'm having
                                  at               TOO MUCH FUN!!

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