On 17/11/2013 09:56, Nikos wrote:

python3.4 is gone at this stage. Now if i only could install pip for
Python 3.3.2

Here is what i have tried:

root@secure [~]# which python3

root@secure [~]# which pip

root@secure [~]# yum install pip3
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  * base: centos.secrel.com.br
  * epel: mirror.imt-systems.com
  * extras: centos.secrel.com.br
  * remi: mirror5.layerjet.com
  * updates: mirrors.ucr.ac.cr
Setting up Install Process
No package pip3 available.
Error: Nothing to do

Where to find 'pip3' for Python 3.3.2?

Nikos: you've asked the same question three times in less than half an hour. Please have some patience.

In addition, your question is about finding packages under CentOS, so you should be asking or searching on a CentOS forum about how to find a package whose exact name you don't know.


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