On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 2:46 AM, Paul Smith <p...@mad-scientist.net> wrote:
> However, that configuration doesn't work
> for embedded Python (for example, if you embed the Python interpreter in
> GDB by linking libpython2.7.a) if you relocate it.
> ...
> I'm willing to do this and file a bug with a patch if there's any
> interest in pursuing it further.  Or should this be discussed on
> python-dev?

I don't have any experience with your actual issue, so though I've
been reading your posts, I haven't anything to add to the thread. But
one small side point: If you're going to propose patches that
materially change functionality, they won't be applied to 2.7, which
is now closed for new features (and there won't be a 2.8). So the
first thing I'd recommend doing is trying the same things with 3.3, or
possibly an alpha of 3.4 (or the beta, if you can wait one week for
its launch). If it's exactly the same, then you could propose changes
to the 3.x branch (probably too late for 3.4 now, but 3.5), and
possibly they could be backported to 2.7 if it's considered a bugfix.
Or you might find that, by the magic of Guido's time machine, the
problem's already been solved in 3.x!

Maybe you can't actually migrate your codebase fully, but at very
least, try this sort of thing in both versions - at worst, you spend a
bit of time spinning up a duplicate and then say "Same thing happens
in 3.3.2".


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