Am 17.11.2013 18:33, schrieb Mark Lawrence:

>> This is a last-ditch request, and not one I particularly expect to
>> succeed, but I honestly can't stand to watch this happen to python-list
>> for very much longer, and am very close to unsubscribing after six years
>> as an admittedly not very active member.
>>   -[]z.
> I entirely agree with the sentiments expressed above.  Would the Python 
> Software Foundation (I assume?) please take whatever steps it can to 
> prevent Nikos posting here?  This is justified on the grounds of today's 
> behaviour alone.  Add in previous days when perhaps 95% of the bandwidth 
> has been taken up by his posts and I know it's time to say enough is enough.

As another lurking member, I can only say this:

Folks, it's your decision to let this matter die.  As long as python-list is
coupled to Usenet, there will be little to no barrier to posting, and the
only way to get rid of trolls is to ignore them.

Let the barrage of posts continue for a few more days; if he doesn't get
replies he will get fed up eventually.



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