On 2013-11-18, Tim Roberts <t...@probo.com> wrote:
> Tamer Higazi <th9...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>I am looking for a python library that does mailing directly through
>>When I look into the docs, I see only an "smtlip" library but nothing
>>that could serve with sendmail or postfix.
>>Any ideas ?!
> Remember that
>    import smtplib
>    s = smtplib.SMTP("localhost")
> usually communicates directly with the local server, whether it be sendmail
> or postfix or whatever.

It's not uncommon for a machine that doesn't receive mail to have
sendmail/postfix/whatever installed for the purpose of sending mail
only. In that case, there might not be anybody listening on
(localhost,smtp). The traditional way to send mail on a Unix system is
to invoke the 'sendmail' command with appropriate command-line
arguments and then shove the message into sendmail's stdin.  

It's pretty trivial -- here's a simple "sendmail library":

def sendmail(frm,to,msg):
    with os.popen("sendmail -f '%s' '%s'" % (frm,to), "w") as p:

That works on my system, but YMMV. You might like more options (like
automagically parsing frm/to address from msg headers or whatnot), and
those are left as an exercise for the reader.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Did an Italian CRANE
                                  at               OPERATOR just experience
                              gmail.com            uninhibited sensations in
                                                   a MALIBU HOT TUB?

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