"E.D.G." <edgrs...@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message news:ro-dnch2dptbrhnpnz2dnuvz_rsdn...@earthlink.com...
Posted by E.D.G. on November 19, 2013




This program translation project has become one of the most surprisingly successful programming projects I have worked on to date. A considerable amount of valuable information has been sent to me by E-mail in addition to all of the information posted to the Newsgroups.

The original posts actually discussed calculation speed matters involving Perl and Python. And responses indicated that there were ways to develop routines that could dramatically accelerate Python calculations. But it did not sound like there were any for Perl.

However, a kind soul sent me the following references:


From what I can see, PDL represents a group of modules that can be linked with Perl to do faster calculations and to generate charts. I gather that it converts calculations directly to the C language so that they run faster. And now I am wondering how those calculations would compare with Python and Fortran and the other programs listed on the following Web page:


As soon as possible I am planning to give the PDL modules a try myself and see if they help with my present Perl calculation speed limitations.

Does anyone have any comments they can add regarding PDL (for posting in the Perl Newsgroup)?

Would those PDL modules be available on Internet Servers that let users develop and run Perl CGI programs? Or would they need to be specially installed?


As most people visiting these Newsgroups probably know, computers run our world. And therefore, computer programmers at least indirectly run our world. As an experienced scientist who does some programming work I myself am fully aware of that. But relatively few other scientists are. And almost no government officials appear to be. And they are the ones who have all of the money.

As an experienced scientist I regularly send free technical advice to governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) around the world regarding humanitarian projects. Some of my past efforts have been highly successful. And because I am so aware of the importance of computer programming to the success of most efforts I can be especially effective when discussing proposed projects. I know enough about computer programming, electronics, and machine shop usage that I can provide the government officials with exact instructions for how they should proceed with developing some project.

For example, sometimes the best way to get something done is with a specially designed electronic circuit. At other times it is more efficient to use a microprocessor to do the data processing.

There are several highly important computer programming intensive projects that I have been attempting to get our governments to develop for some time. They are in my opinion needed by people around the world. I have several Web sites that were created so that information could be easily circulated regarding those projects. And as time permits I plan to start discussing them in various computer language Newsgroups.

An effort is also in progress to get some modifications made to the U.S. Government Petitions Web Site so that it works a little better and is of more use to people.


It has been my personal experience that our government officials who decide which projects should get funding and how many computer programmers etc. need to be hired for this or that effort usually know so little about the work that computer programmers and even scientists do that they often don't have any idea regarding how to solve various problems and also often don't even know that certain problems exist.

These are personal opinions.


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