On Wednesday 2013 November 20 05:44, Larry Wilson wrote:
> >>> feed.entries[0].w_current
> {'temperature': u'20.3', 'dewpoint': u'18.6', 'windgusts': u'29.6', 'rain':
> u'0.6', 'humidity': u'90', 'pressure': u'0.0', 'windspeed': u'22.2',
> 'winddirection': u'SSW'}
> in the above I get the subitem as shown. How do I extract the label, values
> pairs?

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>>> w_current = {'temperature': u'20.3', 'dewpoint': u'18.6', 'windgusts': 
u'29.6', 'rain': u'0.6', 'humidity': u'90', 'pressure': u'0.0', 'windspeed': 
u'22.2', 'winddirection': u'SSW'}
>>> for label, value in w_current.items():
...    print (label, value)
dewpoint 18.6
temperature 20.3
rain 0.6
pressure 0.0
windspeed 22.2
humidity 90
winddirection SSW
windgusts 29.6
Yonder nor sorghum stenches shut ladle gulls stopper torque wet 


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