
On 25.11.2013. 14:20, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
Check out the following packages: virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, tox
virtualenv + wrapper make it very easy to switch from one python
version to another. Stricly speaking you don't need
virtualenvwrapper, but it makes working with virtualenv a whole lot
easier.Tox also uses virtualenv. You can configure it to sdist your
package under different python versions. Also, you can make it run
nosetests for each python version and/or implementation (pypy and
jython are supported)

I'll look into using virtualenv and possibly tox once I get into issues with mismatched installed Python package versions, but for now I'm dealing with installing different Python interpreter versions and, unless I'm overlooking something here, virtualenv does not help with that. :-(

Thanks for the suggestion though, I'm definitely going to read up on those packages soon. :-)

  Best regards,
    Jurko Gospodnetić


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