Right-click on the Pythonwin icon in the tray and select "Break into running


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi All,
> (sorry for my bad english)
>   I wrote a __tiny__ and __stupid__ recursive script directly into
> pythonwin
> interactive window with a time.sleep(1) and a print before each
> recursion...
> I should have taken a closer look at the ending condition (never
> satisfied!),
> anyway I was quite confident that a control-C would have stopped the
> intepreter as it is (incidentally?) when this break sequence is entered
> during a screen-i/o of the python interpreter in a CMD prompt...
> Instead I discovered my pythonwin session no more responding even
> though the output shows that it was still working correctly... and my
> other
> open files in pythonwin still needing to be saved - my salvation was
> that
> while I was searching a solution with google, after 984 nested call
> ~ more than a quarter later, the recursion stack was full and
> an exception was raised! ;-P).
> So my question is: is there a keystroke combination to stop the
> interpreter
> in pythonwin interactive window? Or even better
> Is there a "pythonwin interactive window" keystrokes list?
> (btw: I remember an old post explaining the keystroke to
> reset interactive window memory without being forced to
> close and open pythonwin - very usefull but I could not find it
> anymore...)
> TIA!
> bye,
>    PiErre


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