On Tue, 26 Nov 2013 20:24:16 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:

> Although i would strongly prefer for him to choose ubiquitous
> definitions *over* regional definitions when posting to internet forums,
> i would have happily ignored this thread had it not been for Stevens
> emotional plea of:
>     "As this is an international forum, it behoves [sic] us all to make
>     allowances for slight difference in dialect."

Please don't mislabel my correctly spelt words with "sic" just because 
your regional variation of the Queens English uses a different spelling.

> ============================================================
>  Pop Quiz
> ============================================================ 
> Your driving your car down the road when out of nowhere a cute little

"Your" driving?

> squirrel[1] runs into the road, stops in your lane, stands on his hind
> legs, and looks at you nervously... You know you don't have much time to
> act, but you realize you have only two choices:
>     1. You could attempt to avoid the squirrel by making hasty maneuvers
>     and in the process risk your life or even the lives of innocent
>     motorist/by-standards, or

Of course, because being introduced to regional idiomatic phrases KILLS!!!


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