> I wish to develop a database application with a lot of specific 
> functionnalities dealing with sound files.
> I have developped an Access prototype and run into a first problem :

Access is not a database, it's a data shredder. And for the GUI part;
it only works on that pathologic non-operating system called Microsoft
(Not Responding).

Use PostgreSQL instead and one of these frameworks with Python:

using PyQt (& Sqlalchemy):
Qtalchemy: www.qtalchemy.org
Camelot: www.python-camelot.com
Pypapi: www.pypapi.org

using PyGTK:
Sqlkit: sqlkit.argolinux.org (also uses Sqlalchemy)
Kiwi: www.async.com.br/projects/kiwi

using wxPython:
Gui2Py: code.google.com/p/gui2py/
Dabo: www.dabodev.com
Defis: sourceforge.net/projects/defis (Russian only)
GNUe: www.gnuenterprise.org




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