On 28/11/2013 22:01, Terry Reedy wrote:

All the transition guides I have seen recommend first updating 2.x code (and its
tests) to work in 2.x with *all* classes being new-style classes. I presume one
of the code checker programs will check this for you. To some extent, the
upgrade can be done by changing one class at a time.

the intent is to produce a compatible code with aid of six.py like functions.

Yes, this means abandoning support of 2.1 ;-). It also means giving up
magical hacks that only work with old-style classes.

I find that I don't understand exactly how the original works so well,

To me, not being comprehensible is not a good sign. I explain some of
the behavior below.

The author has commented that he might have been drunk at time of writing :)

but here is a cut down version


thanks for the analysis, I think we came to the same broad conclusion. I think this particular module may get lost in the wash. If it ever needs re-implementing we can presumably rely on some more general approach as used in the various remote object proxies like pyro or similar.
Robin Becker


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