Le 08.12.2013 19:14, rafaella...@gmail.com a écrit :
On Sunday, December 8, 2013 6:07:47 PM UTC, YBM wrote:
Le 08.12.2013 18:59, rafaella...@gmail.com a �crit :

i have a dictionary with names and ages for each name.

I want to write a function that takes in an age and returns

the names of all the people who are that age.

please help

ageDict = { 'john':42, 'jane':36, 'paul':42 }

peopleWithAge = lambda age: [ name for name in ageDict if


sorry but i'm new to python ;p
1. it has to be in a form of a function called people and
2. how this code takes in an age and returns the names?

 >>> ageDict = { 'john':42, 'jane':36, 'paul':42 }
 >>> people = lambda age: [ name for name in ageDict if
 ...                           ageDict[name]==age]
 >>> people(42)
 ['paul', 'john']


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