On Wed, 11 Dec 2013 02:02:20 +0200, Tamer Higazi <tamerito...@arcor.de> wrote:
Is there a way to get dict by search terms without iterating the
dictionary ?!

I want to grab the dict's key and values started with 'Ar'...

Your wording is so ambiguous that each respondent has guessed differently. I'm guessing that you want all key/value pairs for which the key begins with the two letters 'Ar' I'm guessing further that your objection to iterating the entire dictionary is not code size but performance. If both assumptions are valid then I'll point out that a dict has no ordering to it. If you want an approach that doesn't iterate over the entire structure you'll need to store the data differently. For example if you stored all the keys in a sorted list you could use bisect.



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