On 12/11/13 2:26 PM, Shyam Parimal Katti wrote:
Hello All,

I am looking for a library that can help me trace the status of a live
python script execution. i.e if I have a python script `x.py` with 200
lines, when I execute the script with `python x.py`, is there a way to
trace the status of this execution in terms of number of lines executed
so far?

Background: We have a Web page with "Run" button that executes the
program `x.py` when a user clicks it. We were looking of a way to keep
the user informed about the status of run by using: (no. of lines
executed/total lines) *100. Since the script `x.py` is running multiple
sql queries, it usually won't be the case that the script would complete
within few seconds of its execution.

Using sys.settrace, you could write a tool to track the lines being executed in any Python program. But your problem is different than that in two ways:

1) You don't need to track any Python program, you need to track your particular Python program.

2) You want the output to take into account the "total number of lines", which means you have to somehow configure it ahead of time.

Both of these factors point to using a more specialized approach, by way of modifying your program. I like Chris' idea of simply tracking the progress of the SQL queries since they are taking the time.

Ned Batchelder, http://nedbatchelder.com


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