On 12/14/2013 3:01 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:
On 12/14/2013 10:05 AM, Wolfgang Keller wrote:
Tkinter is a bit "special" to use since it's not just a library, but
uses some kind of RPC. It seems that "look and feel" have been greatly
improved lately.

I know Tkinter originated with the Tcl/Tk language.

Tcl is the language. Its standard interpreter is written in C, as with Python. (I do not know if there are other Tcl implementations.) Tk is the gui framework written, I believe, in a mixture of Tcl and C.

Tkinter (Tk interface) is entirely a Python to Tcl/Tk and back interface.

With Tkinter in Python is it still using Tcl/Tk under the hood?

Yes. _tkinter.c defines Python-callable functions that call Tcl/Tk C api functions. tkinter.py defines Python classes and methods. The methods call _tkinter functions. Most of the classes correspond to Tk widgets such as Button and Text.

IE embeds the Tcl language interpreter into Python's interpreter?

Both interpreters run in one process.

> If so I've always found
it a bit strange that the de facto GUI library that's shipped with
Python ships an entirely different language with it under the hood.

Tcl/Tk is only shipped with the Windows Python installer. On other systems, it is a separate install if not already present.

There once (over 10 years ago) was a project to re-write Tk entirely in C. What I read it that people decided that Tk made too much use of Tcl functions to make that worthwhile.

There have been starts on projects to write a gui framework based on Python and wrapped C libraries. PyGui is one, last updated July 2011.

Terry Jan Reedy


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