On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 6:32 PM, rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday, December 16, 2013 7:29:31 AM UTC+5:30, alex23 wrote:
>> > # Need to compare values of counter and reject in function/routine in 
>> > value in counter2 is higher then value in counter1 for a current key
>>      [(k,Counter2[k]) for k in Counter2 - Counter1]
> Why not just?
> Counter2 - Counter1
> And if you want to uncounterify it then
> dict(Counter2 - Counter1)

Because you get different counts.

>>> c1 = Counter('ab')
>>> c2 = Counter('aab')
>>> c2 - c1
Counter({'a': 1})
>>> [(k, c2[k]) for k in c2 - c1]
[('a', 2)]

Counter subtraction is multiset subtraction, not set subtraction.

-- Devin

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