----- Original Message -----
> Op maandag 16 december 2013 13:05:41 UTC+1 schreef Jean-Michel
> Pichavant:
> > > Here is the code:
> > > #!/usr/bin/env python
> > > import telnetlib
> > > host = ''
> > > port = 7000
> > > t = Telnet(host, port)
> > > t.write('*IDN?\n')
> > > print t.read_until('Whateverprompt')
> > > # you can use read_very_eager also
> > > 
> > > and this is the result of executing the code(from which I deduce
> > > I
> > > have to
> > > install telnetlib, but how?)
> > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > >   File "./nctelnet.py", line 5, in <module>
> > >     t = Telnet(host, port)
> > > NameError: name 'Telnet' is not defined
> > > 
> > > kind regards,
> > > jean
> > t = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port)
> this helps, but I don't know what to do with
> "print t.read_until('Whateverprompt')"
> should I send CTRL-ALT-ALTGR-] after some time?
> kind regards,
> jean

one way to approach the problem is to first make some monkey tests.
1/ connect to your equipment using telnet (from the linux shell)
2/ try typing some commands like *IDN?
3/ see how the equipment is answering
4/ you need to identify what is the prompt, and what EndOfLine sequence is used.
5/ then in a python shell, try to reproduce the behavior:

  import telnetlib
  t = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port)
  t.read_very_eager() #flush
  prompt = t.read_very_eager() #this is one way to get the prompt
  print repr(prompt) #you may identify the EOL sequence with this one

When you get a good feeling about how it works, write the code.



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