On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Jeff James <j...@jeffljames.com> wrot
>  So I'm using the following script to check our sites to make sure they
> are all up and some of them are reporting they are "down" when, in fact,
> they are actually up.   These sites do not require a logon in order for the
> home page to come up.  Could this be due to some port being blocked
> internally ?  Only one of the sites reporting as down is "https" but all
> are internal sites.  Is there some other component I should be including in
> the script ?  There are about 30 or 40 sites that I have listed in all.  I
> just use those in the following script as examples.   Thanks
> import urllib
> sites = ["http://www.amazon.com/";, "https://internalsite.com/intranet.html";,
> etc.]
> for site in sites:
>     try:
>         urllib.urlopen(site)
>         print site + " "
>     except Exception, e:
>         print site + " is down"
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> I've never used urllib, although I've done a fair amount of network
> programming at lower levels.
> Are you sure the report of "down" isn't simply a time out due to the
> server being busier than you expect when you hit it?
> -Bill
> After adding the line suggested by Larry, I was able to determine that the
> URLs reporting as "down" were actually sites requiring authentication in
> order to provide site content, so adding that line to the handler was at
> least enlightening in that  respect.  Thanks Larry.
Glad to help. Here is some info on authenticating with urllib:



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